Kualitas Kepemimpinan dari Kakak Kelasku (Bagian 3)

Kualitas Kepemimpinan dari Kakak Kelasku (Bagian 3)


I am familiar with General Agum as a highly intelligent officer with a strong physique. He is also known for being a charismatic sportsman who is able to earn the respect and sympathy of his men, superiors, colleagues, and the general public. General Agum is skilled in Sandi Yudha operational intelligence and is known for his persuasive leadership style. He is a man of principle who is not afraid to speak out against his superiors, even if it means risking his own career. I had the privilege of serving under General Agum as my commander before he went on to lead KOPASSUS. I had known him prior to joining the military, as he was a family member of Captain Margono, a KOPASSUS officer who had once served as an aide to my father during his time as the Minister of Commerce in President Suharto’s Cabinet in 1968. Overall, I have a great deal of respect for General Agum as a leader in the Indonesian Armed Forces.


My experience with General Yunus Yosfiah has shown me that he is a leader who remains calm and composed in all situations. He demonstrates self-control and is able to maintain his authority even in the most intense and challenging circumstances. General Yunus is known for his unwavering determination to achieve victory and his refusal to accept any excuses. He is often viewed as a strict leader who holds his men to high standards. Prior to his promotion to general, he would personally inspect his troops and ensure that everything was in order. Any mistakes made by his men would result in physical challenges such as marching with heavy backpacks or doing pull-ups. General Yunus understands the harsh realities of military life and the importance of thorough preparation in order to succeed on the battlefield.

My first encounter with General Yunus was during an operation in East Timor, where he led a Special Team known as Nanggala 10. This team was created to address the slow progress of operations in the region and consisted of highly trained and motivated soldiers from KOPASSUS. General Yunus led by example, carrying the same heavy loads as his men and demonstrating the philosophy of leading from the front. His dedication and commitment to his troops left a lasting impression on me, and I credit him with helping shape me into the officer I am today.


General Soegito is a leader who believes in being with his men, leading by example and actively participating in operations. He understands the importance of being present and involved in order to inspire and support his troops. General Soegito’s hands-on approach has earned him the respect and admiration of his men, and his leadership style has been instrumental in achieving success in various operations.

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