Kualitas Para Pemimpin Militer Sejati

Kualitas Para Pemimpin Militer Sejati

My mentors from the ’45 generation are leaders in the military field, commanders in combat, and military leaders overall. From them, I have learned five important lessons that have greatly influenced my personality: Patriotism, Confidence, Intellect, Good Sense of Humor, and Flexibility. These qualities have shaped me into the person and leader that I am today.

Growing up in a family of freedom fighters, the spirit of ’45 has always been a part of my upbringing. The sacrifices and dedication of the ’45 generation towards Indonesia’s independence have been ingrained in me from a young age. My family members, such as my grandfather and uncles, were actively involved in the struggle for independence, which has had a profound impact on my values and beliefs.

Interacting with key figures from the ’45 generation, such as Mohammad Hatta and Sukarno, has also played a significant role in shaping my character. Their stories and experiences have inspired me to strive for excellence and to always fight for what is right. Additionally, my time at the Armed Forces Academy exposed me to more leaders from the ’45 generation, who have served as mentors and role models throughout my military career.

Overall, the lessons and values instilled in me by the ’45 generation have been invaluable in my personal and professional development. Their patriotism, confidence, intellect, sense of humor, and flexibility have influenced the way I lead and the way I approach challenges. I will always be grateful for the guidance and mentorship I have received from these remarkable individuals, who have played a crucial role in shaping me into the leader I am today.

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